Another Long Time Coming

I don’t always remember how I stumble across someone that I want to shoot, or even when in some cases. But because I came across this person on Instagram, I have somewhat of a timeline of when I came across her because I’m pretty sure that the first message I sent her was within days of me seeing her photographs pop up in my face. And that was May 2022. Ever since then I had been plotting on how and when I was going to taking photographs of her.

Meet AJ!

Apparently she had been plotting on being photographed by me as well. Or at least really wanting to work with me.

I was planning one big final summer shoot for 2023 back in November or so of 2022 that I didn’t end up doing because the cost to make it happen was looking really scary. AJ volunteered to be a part of this shoot when I put out a call looking for one more model interested in joining the project. Even though that project did not come to life, I kept AJ and the summer in my mind, until I decided I wanted to get on a plane and go somewhere. New York City! took a flight out to New York from California, and AJ was more than excited to hop on a train and come up to New York from Virginia to finally make some photo magic happen.

Not only did we make photo magic happen, but we had fun doing it. She was an amazing person to be around. Funny, pleasant, silly. The perfect person to have in a studio with you. Now that I’m finally home and have access to my computer, I’m excited to pull the photographs that we captured up in Capture One and see what we did. I also shoot four rolls of Provia 100F (135 and 120). Those have been dropped off at the lab, and I think there might be some fire on theme.

Stay tuned to see what we created. And go show some love to and support my newly found birthday twin over on Instagram: @amjrva.

Bishop Jackson